home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- PROGRAM OpenScreen;
- {
- PCQ-Version des Picasso96-Demoprogrammes
- in Pascal übersetzt von Andreas Neumann
- }
- {$I "Include:exec/memory.i" }
- {$I "Include:exec/interrupts.i" }
- {$I "Include:exec/libraries.i" }
- {$I "Include:dos/RDArgs.i" }
- {$I "Include:libraries/dos.i" }
- {$I "Include:graphics/graphics.i" }
- {$I "Include:graphics/pens.i" }
- {$I "Include:intuition/intuition.i" }
- {$I "Include:utils/random.i" }
- {$I "Include:p96/Picasso96.i" }
- Const
- gfxname : String = "graphics.library";
- ScreenTitle : String = "Picasso96 API Test";
- W1Title : String = "WritePixel";
- W2Title : String = "FillRect";
- Pens : Array [0..0] Of Short = (NOT(0));
- template : String = "Width=W/N,Height=H/N,Depth=D/N";
- vecarray : Array[0..2] of Address = (Nil, Nil, Nil);
- Var
- i : Integer;
- sc : ScreenPtr;
- windowtags,
- ptags : Array [0..32] Of TagItem;
- wdf,
- wdp : WindowPtr;
- rpf,
- rpp : RastPortPtr;
- terminate : Boolean;
- signals : Integer;
- format : RGBFTYPE;
- x1, y1,
- x2, y2,
- x3, y3 : Short;
- imsg : IntuiMessagePtr;
- msg : MessagePtr;
- Dimensions : Array [0..3] Of Short;
- Width,
- Height,
- Depth : Integer;
- rda : RDArgsPtr;
- Width:=640;
- Height:=480;
- Depth:=8;
- rda:=ReadArgs (template,Adr(vecarray),Nil);
- If rda<>Nil Then
- Begin
- If vecarray[0]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[0],adr(width),4);
- If vecarray[1]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[1],adr(height),4);
- If vecarray[2]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[2],adr(depth),4);
- FreeArgs(rda);
- End;
- windowtags[0].ti_Tag:=WA_Width;
- windowtags[0].ti_Data:=200;
- windowtags[1].ti_Tag:=WA_Height;
- windowtags[1].ti_Data:=300;
- windowtags[2].ti_Tag:=WA_MinWidth;
- windowtags[2].ti_Data:=100;
- windowtags[3].ti_Tag:=WA_MinHeight;
- windowtags[3].ti_Data:=100;
- windowtags[4].ti_Tag:=WA_MaxWidth;
- windowtags[4].ti_Data:=-1;
- windowtags[5].ti_Tag:=WA_MaxHeight;
- windowtags[5].ti_Data:=-1;
- windowtags[6].ti_Tag:=WA_SimpleRefresh;
- windowtags[6].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[7].ti_Tag:=WA_RMBTrap;
- windowtags[7].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[8].ti_Tag:=WA_Activate;
- windowtags[8].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[9].ti_Tag:=WA_CloseGadget;
- windowtags[9].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[10].ti_Tag:=WA_DepthGadget;
- windowtags[10].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[11].ti_Tag:=WA_DragBar;
- windowtags[11].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[12].ti_Tag:=WA_SizeGadget;
- windowtags[12].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[13].ti_Tag:=WA_SizeBBottom;
- windowtags[13].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[14].ti_Tag:=WA_GimmeZeroZero;
- windowtags[14].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- windowtags[15].ti_Tag:=WA_ScreenTitle;
- windowtags[15].ti_Data:=Integer(ScreenTitle);
- windowtags[16].ti_Tag:=WA_IDCMP;
- windowtags[16].ti_Data:=IDCMP_RAWKEY+IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW;
- windowtags[17].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- GFXBase:=OpenLibrary (gfxname,0);
- IF GFXBase<>Nil Then
- Begin
- P96Base:=OpenLibrary (P96NAME,0);
- If P96Base<>Nil Then
- Begin
- ptags[0].ti_Tag:=P96SA_Width;
- ptags[0].ti_Data:=Width;
- ptags[1].ti_Tag:=P96SA_Height;
- ptags[1].ti_Data:=Height;
- ptags[2].ti_Tag:=P96SA_Depth;
- ptags[2].ti_Data:=Depth;
- ptags[3].ti_Tag:=P96SA_AutoScroll;
- ptags[3].ti_Data:=Integer(TRUE);
- ptags[4].ti_Tag:=P96SA_Pens;
- ptags[4].ti_Data:=Integer(Adr(Pens));
- ptags[5].ti_Tag:=P96SA_Title;
- ptags[5].ti_Data:=Integer(ScreenTitle);
- ptags[6].ti_Tag:=TAG_DONE;
- sc:=p96OpenScreenTagList (Adr(ptags));
- If sc=Nil Then
- Writeln ("Unable to open screen.")
- Else
- Begin
- Dimensions[0]:=0;
- Dimensions[1]:=sc^.BarHeight+1;
- Dimensions[2]:=sc^.Width;
- Dimensions[3]:=sc^.Height-sc^.BarHeight-1;
- ptags[0].ti_Tag:=WA_CustomScreen;
- ptags[0].ti_Data:=Integer (sc);
- ptags[1].ti_Tag:=WA_Title;
- ptags[1].ti_Data:=Integer(W1Title);
- ptags[2].ti_Tag:=WA_Left;
- ptags[2].ti_Data:=(sc^.Width DIV 2-200) DIV 2+sc^.Width DIV 2;
- ptags[3].ti_Tag:=WA_Top;
- ptags[3].ti_Data:=(sc^.Height-sc^.BarHeight-300) DIV 2;
- ptags[4].ti_Tag:=WA_Zoom;
- ptags[4].ti_Data:=Integer(Adr(Dimensions));
- ptags[5].ti_Tag:=TAG_MORE;
- ptags[5].ti_Data:=Integer(Adr(WindowTags));
- wdp:=OpenWindowTagList (NIL,Adr(ptags));
- If wdp<>Nil Then
- Begin
- ptags[0].ti_Tag:=WA_CustomScreen;
- ptags[0].ti_Data:=Integer (sc);
- ptags[1].ti_Tag:=WA_Title;
- ptags[1].ti_Data:=Integer(W2Title);
- ptags[2].ti_Tag:=WA_Left;
- ptags[2].ti_Data:=(sc^.Width DIV 2-200) DIV 2;
- ptags[3].ti_Tag:=WA_Top;
- ptags[3].ti_Data:=(sc^.Height-sc^.BarHeight-300) DIV 2;
- ptags[4].ti_Tag:=WA_Zoom;
- ptags[4].ti_Data:=Integer(Adr(Dimensions));
- ptags[5].ti_Tag:=TAG_MORE;
- ptags[5].ti_Data:=Integer(Adr(WindowTags));
- wdf:=OpenWindowTagList (NIL,Adr(ptags));
- If wdf<>Nil Then
- Begin
- rpf:=wdf^.RPort;
- rpp:=wdp^.RPort;
- terminate:=False;
- signals:=((1 shl wdf^.UserPort^.mp_SigBit) or (1 shl wdp^.UserPort^.mp_SigBit));
- format:=RGBFTYPE (p96GetBitMapAttr (sc^.SRastPort.BitMap, P96BMA_RGBFORMAT));
- SelfSeed;
- Repeat
- x1:=RangeRandom (wdf^.Width);
- y1:=RangeRandom (wdf^.Height);
- x2:=RangeRandom (wdf^.Width);
- y2:=RangeRandom (wdf^.Height);
- If x2<x1 Then
- Begin
- x3:=x2;
- x2:=x1;
- x1:=x3;
- End;
- If y2<y1 Then
- Begin
- y3:=y2;
- y2:=y1;
- y1:=y3;
- End;
- x3:=RangeRandom (wdp^.Width);
- y3:=RangeRandom (wdp^.Height);
- If format=RGBFB_CLUT Then
- Begin
- SetAPen (rpf, RangeRandom (255));
- RectFill (rpf,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- SetAPen (rpp, RangeRandom (255));
- WritePixel (rpp,x3,y3);
- End
- Else
- Begin
- p96RectFill (rpf, x1, y1, x2, y2,(RangeRandom(255) shl 16)+(RangeRandom(255) shl 8)+(RangeRandom (255)));
- p96WritePixel (rpp, x3, y3, ((RangeRandom(255)) shl 16)+((RangeRandom(255)) shl 8)+(RangeRandom(255)));
- End;
- Repeat
- imsg:=Address(GetMsg (wdf^.UserPort));
- If imsg<>Nil Then
- Begin
- If ((imsg^.Class=IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW) Or ((imsg^.Class=IDCMP_RAWKEY) And ((imsg^.Code=$40) or (imsg^.Code=$45)))) Then
- terminate:=True;
- ReplyMsg (Address(imsg));
- End;
- Until imsg=Nil;
- Repeat
- imsg:=Address(GetMsg (wdp^.UserPort));
- If imsg<>Nil Then
- Begin
- If ((imsg^.Class=IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW) Or ((imsg^.Class=IDCMP_RAWKEY) And ((imsg^.Code=$40) or (imsg^.Code=$45)))) Then
- terminate:=True;
- ReplyMsg (Address(imsg));
- End;
- Until imsg=Nil;
- Until terminate;
- Forbid;
- Repeat
- msg:=GetMsg (wdf^.UserPort);
- If msg<>Nil Then
- ReplyMsg (msg);
- Until msg=Nil;
- Repeat
- msg:=GetMsg (wdp^.UserPort);
- If msg<>Nil Then
- ReplyMsg (msg);
- Until msg=Nil;
- Permit;
- CloseWindow (wdf);
- End
- Else
- Writeln ("Unable to open window 2.");
- CloseWindow (wdp);
- End
- Else
- Writeln ("Unable to open window 1.");
- p96CloseScreen (sc);
- End;
- CloseLibrary (GfxBase);
- CloseLibrary (P96Base);
- End
- Else
- Begin
- CloseLibrary (GfxBase);
- Writeln ("Unable to open Picasso96 library.");
- End;
- End
- Else
- Writeln ("Unable to open Gfx library.");
- END.